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NRS - Kid's Shorty Wetsuit


NRS Kid's Shorty Wetsuit

Young bodies get cold. Protect them with the NRS Kid's Shorty Wetsuit. 2.5 mm neoprene provides warmth and a fun color pattern keeps them visible.

  • The top quality 2.5 mm neoprene insulates against the cold and the closed-cell foam supplements the flotation of the child's life jacket, floating them higher in the water.
  • We also add fine titanium particles to the adhesive layer bonding the inner fabric to the neoprene. The shiny particles reflect back and help hold in body heat, without adding bulk.
  • Sleeves extend the sun and thermal protection.
  • Rugged flat-lock stitching in the seams stand up to children's high activity levels.
  • The heavy-duty YKK™ back zipper makes entry and exit easy, while preventing the young person from accidentally unzipping.
  • The cut lines of the suit provide good freedom of movement.